Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Brushwizard Year in Review 2024

Hey everybody, its been a long time. Life has been wild and I once again neglected my little corner of the internet here. But things have been interesting and productive! This year the ol' Marvel: Crisis Protocol addiction has once again fully overtaken my hobby time. I've done a bunch of terrain work, and a massive amount of character painting. But the biggest news, and the thing that got me writing again, I joined up with Goonhammer as a Marvel: Crisis Protocol contributor! I've mainly been focusing on painting tutorials, but I've also started dipping my toes into write ups of the MCP Ultimate Encounter scenarios.

I have a boat load of things to talk about and I'm planning to write more in depth articles for some of the terrain projects soon as well. So let's get to it and see what magic I've been up to.