Monday, November 28, 2016

Tutorial: How to Paint Chibi Eyes Revisited

How to Paint Chibi Eyes - Revisited

"Why another chibi eyes tutorial?", you may be asking. Well, I've been painting up chibi figures since 2012, when I first got my hands on Super Dungeon Explore. But while my other techniques have changed, the eyes of all my SDE models have stayed the same. Four years is a long time to keep doing things the same exact way so it's time to change it up.

That said, I've changed up how I paint my eyes and I felt that maybe a more advanced version of the tutorial was in order. Don't worry, the original write up isn't going anywhere. Think of this as the next evolution and slightly more advanced version.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Tutorial: How to Paint Chipped Paint

How to Paint Chipped Paint

I am a fan of weathering, so much so that it's a pretty well known fact that  I tend to go crazy with it once I start adding in rust, dirt or scratches. There are a lot of things you can do with giving something a little wear and tear and it's all super fun.

This tutorial goes out to Twitter follower LizardinCrimson, who asked if I had a tutorial on how I do my chipped paint while I was working on the Iron Golem from Super Dungeon Explore. For this tutorial, I'll be going over how I did the scratched paint surfaces on that model, but not the beaten and scratched steel).

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Guess Who's Coming to Adepticon?


Come March 23rd I will be at Adepticon for the first time ever. Registration started on the 21st of this month and I have my sign ups all finished. This is exciting!

Friday, November 18, 2016

WIP: MOAR SDE Iron Golem

Are you guys getting tired of this fella? Cause I am, he's slowly draining my will to paint and I can only blame myself.

The silver has become a chore and while I think it looks awesome and I have been able to perfect it over the course of the miniature, there is just so much of it that it is getting tedious (and I have been known to do some pretty tedious things).

Luckily, I can finally say that his armor is finished and I can now move on to a different section, before I start on the sword and shield's silver.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Learn to Paint Minis at the Game Shop

A few weeks back I was asked by the guys at Dreams of Conquest, the game store I play board games at on the weekend, about possibly doing a painting event at the store. I said sure and they started making plans.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Unboxing: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past - The Works Edition

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Since I received my first set of toys for Christmas from my grandparents, all the way back in 1988. I've been hooked on those heroes in the half-shell. I still own all my original toys from those days, as well as all of the original movies and the entire 80s-90s animated series. I even have a copy of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #1 that was reprinted for Free Comic Book Day and it's signed by Peter Laird.

Like all things, we lost track of each other as I grew older and I never really paid attention to any of the new series or comics. But, when I heard there was a new board game coming to Kickstarter earlier this year, I had to jump on it. In the end, nostalgia won the day and I went in for The Works, which was everything in the campaign plus some extra goodies.

Throughout the campaign, the community surrounding it seemed to be extremely negative and angst ridden, which surprised me. Going into it I was a bit apprehensive, as the previous board game based on an IDW comic series, Ghostbusters, seemed to miss the mark (I was a backer for that campaign as well, until I decided to pull out). But, this game was being handled by IDW Games themselves rather than Crypozoic and the designer has some cred, so I remained hopeful.

Since the end of the campaign, the community that backed the project has seemed to get more and more negative. Of course, part of this is due to what seemed like poor communication on IDW's part, such as poor quality pictures of production sample models or sparse updates during production. But still, I remained hopeful. I figured, if the game is crap, at least I'll have a bunch of TMNT minis to paint up.

Well, after a long week of hitting F5 and refreshing my tracking number, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shadows of the Past - The Works Edition is finally here! Lets take a look at this massive box of lean green Foot kicking goodness!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

WIP: SDE Iron Golem

Over the last month, I've been slowly working on the new Iron Golem mini-boss for Super Dungeon Explore. Part of the reason it's taken a while is because I haven't had a lot of chair time over the last month, the other part is that each section is kind of time consuming.

This guy is all silver metals too, and my metallics game has always been on the weak side, but not nearly as bad as my non-metallic metals. For this model I decided to push my limits and really focus on making the true metallic metal paints shine.

To do this, I pulled a few plays out of the non-metallic metals playbook and decided to just play around and see what happens. Namely, pushing contrast and forcing highlights, rather than letting the metallic paint do the highlighting work. Also, I knew that I wanted to keep as far away from drybrushing the metallic paint on to the surfaces. Not that there's anything wrong with drybrushed metallics, I just knew it wasn't the look I was going for on this model.

I've gotten a fair bit of work done on him, and he's turning out great!