Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wizardry in Progress 2/27/19

Another week gone by and we are now at the end of February! This week I did some major work on the Adepticon display board for the Dreadnoughts army. I also built a few new models and painted up the heroes for Resident Evil 2.

Let's check it out.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Miniature Monday: Chaplain Venerable Dreadnought

For this week's Miniature Monday I have the HQ of my Dreadnought army. He's a Forge World Chaplain Venerable Dreadnought, who I bought off of my friend Greg while at Adepticon 2018.

He was originally on a large fancy base, but due to issues with it and my display board for the Friendly at Adepticon I had to ditch it and come up with a different solution.

Let's take a look!

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Wizardry in Progress 2/20/19

It was a fairly light week this week, as I was only able to really work on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights. But, I was able to knock down some more of the pile, in prep for Adepticon.

Let's take a look!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Miniature Monday - Deathwatch Intercessors

The backbone of my Deathwatch force is the Primaris Intercessors Fortis Kill Team. These guys will eventually be going to battle mixed with some Primaris Hellblasters and Aggressors and armed withe assault weapons so I can keep my mobility up. But, for now, they run alone in two squads of 5 as that is what I needed for U-Con and teaching games.

I'm super pleased with all of them. Let's take a look!

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wizardry in Progress 2/13/19

This week was all about BEASTS OF CHAOS!

I did do some painting of Barbossa as well, but mostly it was all about putting little plastic goatmen together. Two full boxes of Start Collecting: Beasts of Chaos, that is. As well as a couple boxes of Gors.

Let's check it out.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Miniature Monday: Olive Green Kastelan Robot

Alrighty, let's get this Miniature Monday stuff started back up! It's been awhile and there's so much to show off. We're going to start this off with the Olive Green Kastelan Robot. This guy is also the last of the custom headed robots and the first of the running pose robos.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Wizardry in Progress 2/6/19

Whew, what a week. So much stuff happened!

This past week, we had a major cold snap hit us and were faced with wind chills deep into the -30s. Which meant there wasn't much leaving the house happening. Which also meant I was able to sit at the painting desk for hours on end!

This week I completed all the dreadnoughts for my Adepticon list and got started on a bust of Captain Barbossa from Pirates of the Caribbean.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Miniature Monday - Kommander Sorscha Bust

Ever since Privateer Press started doing busts I'd wanted to get my hands on one of them an give bust painting a shot. 2018 was the year of the bust and I was able to pick up Kommander Sorscha at Adepticon that year.

I took her with me to St. Louis and painted her over the course of two days at a gaming convention down there, while recording video of her for Let's Paint.

Let's take a look!