Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Wizardry in Progress 1/30/19

This week I made some solid progress on the Dreadnought army, thanks to a snow day at work and a decent amount of free time. I also was able to get the display board laid out and prepped for next steps.

Let's take a look!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Miniature Monday - Blood Angels Army

Roughly this time last year I started on a commission for a friend of mine that would last me the entire year. Not so much because it was that intense or anything like that, but due to a multitude of other factors, such as convention prep, it took forever to get through.

It is now complete though and it's time to share!

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Wizardry in Progress 1/23/19

This week I finally finished the Blood Angels commission! Yay, sweet sweet freedom. Now I can get back to work on other projects and start my Adepticon prep in earnest. So far, I've primed the bust of Captain Barbosa and started work on the Leviathan dreadnought.

Let's take a look.

Monday, January 21, 2019

MIniature Monday - Takata

Today's Miniature Monday features Takata from MidKnight Heroes!

I painted his fella up for the Golden Kobold miniatures painting competition at GenCon 2018, where he took bronze. He was featured on my YouTube channel's Let's Paint series. He's a super cool future ninja, and was a blast to paint.

Let's take a look!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wizardry in Progress 1/16/19

Welcome to Wizardry in Progress, my weekly recap of all of the hobby happenings that have gone of in the previous week!

This week I spent quite a bit of time finishing up Blood Angels models. I completed the Terminator Squad and got started (nearly finished) a tactical squad. I started painting a load of Dreadnoughts and a Drop Pod for my Deathwatch and I modified a sweet resin base for the Chaplain Dreadnought.

Let's check it out.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Miniature Monday - Deathwatch Primaris Librarian

For today's Miniature Monday, I have the Deathwatch Primaris Librarian, who is my main HQ for my current Deathwatch army. I painted this fella in prep for the U-Con gaming convention in November 2018, where Dan of the Lonely Havocs and I taught folks how to play Warhammer 40k.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Wizardry in Progress 1/9/19

It's time for Wizardry in Progress!

This week didn't see a whole lot of work done on projects, mainly because I spent the Thursday through the weekend out of town. I did manage a bit more progress on the Terminator squad, and built a few models.

Let's check it out!

Monday, January 7, 2019

Miniature Monday - Deathwatch Redemptor Dreadnought

Today we're going to be taking a look at a big boy. The newest Dreadnought in the playground, the Primaris Redemptor Dreadnought.

This guy was the first model of my Deathwatch to be painted, other than a test model from a while back. For being a large model he painted up really quickly. The same can't be said for build time though. This model is the standard version and oh holy hell is it an intricate build.

Let's take a look!

Friday, January 4, 2019

The Brush Wizard now Supports Living Arts

Art is a big deal to me. It acts as a relaxing agent, it helps me express myself, it brings people together.

As you may have heard on Twitter or noticed the shop tab up above, I've started a Teespring store and I am leveraging it to help support Living Arts of Detroit, Michigan.

Read on, my fellow humans.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Wizardry in Progress 1/2/19

It's a new year and its time for the first Wizardry in Progress of 2019! This week I played with terrain, got some new Admech models assembled and put some red paint down on the Blood Angels Terminators.

Let's check it out.