Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Super Secret Christmas Present: Apoca vs. the Minotaur
Thursday, December 19, 2013
"Do Not Pass" Gandalf
Monday, December 9, 2013
The State of Brush Wizard
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Welcome to Mr. Bones' Garden!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Reaper Kickstarter Rewards Arrived!
Friday, May 24, 2013
Update: No Paint Progress and a Possible Commission.
But, now it's feeling a lot better and I should be able to get back to painting on this long weekend. Which is a good thing, since my sister's friend wants me to do some custom work for a diorama she is setting up. But she's gonna be waiting til her moss grows anyway and I wouldn't start it until I got Sophie done either.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Painting Sophie's Bike - Primer Coat and FAIL.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Setting up the Helping Hands and Gluing Sophie's Bike.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Painting Area Ready to Roll!
I took one of the sets of plastic drawers I had been using as a dresser for the last 4 years and filled it up with all my bits, tools and misc mini related goodness. Then I set up the table with the work lamp, and went through all my paints by color.
I also ordered 2 Helping Hands. These things will make gluing stuff like Sophie's bike, or the Relic Knights relics much much easier. They both have 2 alligator clips on them and a 2x magnifying glass. But I'm going to likely take the magnifiers off. I'll also need to wrap the alligator clips with foam and tape so that they won't mar the minis when I use them.
All in all, the paint area is coming along nicely. But I still need a better chair, as I am stealing one of my dining room chairs for the moment. Work should be starting up again soon, and I'll be able to get Sophie glued together on Tuesday when the Helping Hands show up.
I'm really looking forward to getting things rolling again!
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Moved in, Unpacking and Internet installed. Setting up paints soon!
So last weekend, I moved into the new house and have been working on unpacking everything and settling in. I think I'm making pretty good progress with it too and only have a few boxes left that need to get sorted out.
Tonight, I'm going to finally set up my painting table. I bought a nice new 2' x 4' table from Home Depot and it'll give me a nice work area. So once that's all set, I can continue working on that Kickstarter Sophie!
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Guilds of Cadwallon GET!
Unlike Super Dungeon Explore, I won't be painting these minis, since they are more like Tokens rather than individual characters.
Speaking of SDE, I just realized that the new Expansion Pack came out for it! The
Naturally, I had to splurge and pick up all 3. It's also got me wanting to finish up the base set after I finally move.
But, before SDE painting starts up again, I MUST do the Sophie miniature from Reaper's Kickstarter campaign. Which will be a priority, once I finally get my painting table set back up.
For those of you who are looking forward to progress on my projects. I apologize for the lack of updates. Apparently home buying and packing is a lot more hectic than I expected it to be. But I should be moved in next weekend, and can get back to working on this hobby of mine.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
KS Sophie - Decal Update
Of course, I'm not home this week anyway, so work is hauled again. I did start gluing the pieces together, but I can't seem to find my green stuff, so I can hide the seam in the front tire. I may run home and grab the mini and a few important tools, so I can at least get some work done on it.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
KS Sophie - Water Slide Decal Paper
I need to rework how I have my mini painting gear packed anyway, so I might pull her out and get to work assembling the pieces. I still have a month or so until I'm moving anyway and have been wanting to get work started on her as soon as possible.
At this point, I think I'm going to look in my boxes for some sacrificial test minis to test run a few techniques on. Both with the decals, and with the metallic paint process.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Status Update - Lack of Progress
That means that my hobbies have taken a hit in the "free time" department. Hell, the only gaming I've done lately has been late at night on my 3DS, just before I fall asleep. As far as minis go, I am going to need to take all of the SDE minis I have painted so far and varnish them now, rather than after I paint their bases. I'll need to pack up all my paints and brushes and make sure I keep everything together so it's easy to set back up when I get to the new house.
In other mini news. Reaper announced that they are planning on shipping out the Bones minis in late March. That's awesome and I don't have to worry about them going to the wrong address, since it's going to my Sister's house anyway. The same goes for Relic Knights, Guilds of Cadwallon and Kingdom Death.
It's an exciting time. But also a low production time. Hopefully I can get back in the swing soon. But I just don't want to start Sophie and then have to worry about the paint getting chipped in moving.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Flingers Finally Done... FINALLY. Taking a Break from SDE.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Red Box Games KS Minis Arrived!
In yesterday's mail, the minis from Tre Manor's Red Box Games kick starter arrived.
They are pretty sweet. Slightly smaller than I was expecting them to be. But super detailed. They do have a lot of mold flashing all over them which will need to be cleaned off. But all in all I'm glad I backed the KS.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
Reaper Miniatures' KS Vampire Pledge Flyover Video
In other news. I'm still working on the damn Flingers for Super Dungeon Explore...
Friday, January 18, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Paint is Flowing Once More.
I started painting the Flingers again last night while watching The Untouchables. I decided to paint their arm bands the same color as the head wraps and inked it all with what little Devlan Mud I have left. So far they look pretty good. I'm going for dirty cloth and an almost smokey appearance to them, since they handle fire and smoke pots.
No pics yet. But I've gotten back in the project and should be making more headway in the next few days.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Seeking Motiviation...
I think my main issue at the moment is some of these models are really kinda muddy in the details. The arm bands on them look like they could either be leather pads or cloth straps. The sling with the stone in it lacks a clear line between where the stone starts and the cloth ends. And the face wraps are difficult to tell what is muscle and what is cloth wrapping.
My other main issue is I've come to realize that I don't really like squad painting. I prefer doing one offs of heroes or monsters, where I can focus on a single figure without needing to repeat the same steps over 5-6 different models. I would never be able to play Warhammer 40k or anything like it, where you are fielding that many models. I would never be able to get them all painted for play. Luckily Relic Knights seems to be smaller amounts of models, so I don't think it'll be as bad as 40k.
I need to find my groove again badly. Perhaps I'll take a small break from SDE again and paint up Princess Malya from RK. Then come back to it. But I really need to finish the base set of SDE, so I can knock out Roxor, so I'll be all caught up when the undead expansion releases.
Who's wise idea was it to paint all the minis anyway?
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Kingdom Death: Monster KS Ends with a Freebie!
Anyway, it looks like anyone that is recieving a reward package of physical goods will be getting 2 free minis in their boxes. One for hitting 2 mil and the other as a Christmas present.