So this week I'm going to go over everything that I've worked on (that I can remember), since my last Wizardry in Progress write up.
As Linguini says, let's do this thing!
Dusting the Legion
Most of my current models for my Steel Legion army are not 100% finished. In order to finish them up I sprayed them all with AK Interactive Ultra Matte Varnish. This stuff is amazing, and there is no residual sheen left at all, unlike other matte rattlecan sprays. I am completely sold on that matte varnish, and will never use anything else on the market. Once the matte was dry, I went to work on them with Secret Weapon Weathering Pigments. I mixed Rust Red, Rust Orange and Burning Sands together on a plate and then used an old brush to dust the models. Starting on the base and working up the model, getting lighter as I went up. The effect, coupled with the gloss on the metals and matte finish, looks great. These fellas could easily be seen as existing on a harsh Martian plains. |
Death Korps Death Rider Commander
After languishing on my desk for weeks/months. I finally caught the bug to finish up the current squad of Death Riders. I had originally planned on painting the remaining riders first. But, flipped it to the commander instead, because it just felt like it would be a blast to knock out. He's fairly close to finished. I just need to paint his base, hit him with matte varnish and then dust him with pigments. But, dang he is looking good already! |
Warcry Terrain!
Dan, the Lonely Havoc, and one of my best bros decided that he wanted to do a give away and promote kindness in the Twitter #warmongers community. For this give away, he asked the community members to say something nice about another community member. He would then pick, at random, a winner from a list of folks who were mentioned. As fate would have it, I was chosen as the recipient and on Monday the giant box of goodies arrived! I couldn't resist assembling the terrain for the game and looking it all over. This stuff is amazing! Thanks Dan for sending it my way. I can't wait to game on it. That's all for now. Now that I'm getting back into the swing of this thing, expect regular updates again. Until next time, you can catch me on Twitter and Instagram. Check out YouTube for the Let's Paint series and other videos. If you like what I do and want to support the site and my painting endeavors, you can do so over on Ko-fi. All it takes is $3 and it's much appreciated. Also, you can buy The Brush Wizard shirts and such over on my Teespring shop, where you'll find a growing selection of shirts and other goodies. Thanks for reading! | ![]() |