I haven't had much time to do much painting at all lately. My painting table is still covered in Super Dungeon Explore stuff and I haven't even looked at Sophie yet. The reason for this is that I am in the midst of buying my first home! So for the last 2 weeks I've been busily running around doing paperwork and such. The way things are looking, I may be moving in April. Which means I need to start packing up all of my stuff and prepare for moving day.
That means that my hobbies have taken a hit in the "free time" department. Hell, the only gaming I've done lately has been late at night on my 3DS, just before I fall asleep. As far as minis go, I am going to need to take all of the SDE minis I have painted so far and varnish them now, rather than after I paint their bases. I'll need to pack up all my paints and brushes and make sure I keep everything together so it's easy to set back up when I get to the new house.
In other mini news. Reaper announced that they are planning on shipping out the Bones minis in late March. That's awesome and I don't have to worry about them going to the wrong address, since it's going to my Sister's house anyway. The same goes for Relic Knights, Guilds of Cadwallon and Kingdom Death.
It's an exciting time. But also a low production time. Hopefully I can get back in the swing soon. But I just don't want to start Sophie and then have to worry about the paint getting chipped in moving.