Originally I was going to use the Christmas Future miniature in place of the Mr Bones miniature and have the whole thing ready before the Kickstarter rewards even arrived. But I suck at sculpting and I couldn't get the shovel head to look good, so I scrapped that idea.
Once the headstones were done it was time to paint the owl. I don't have any close ups of him, but I decided to paint him up like Archimedes from The Sword in the Stone. Sure he ended up slightly cartoony in his coloration, but it's not a photorealistic project anyway.
After that, it was time to cover the ground with grass. I have two colors of Games Workshop Static Grass; Green Grass and Scorched Grass. Looking over the two, the Green Grass was too lively and green, while the Scorched Grass was too brown. So, I decided to mix up my own batch using a roughly 2:1 mix of Green and Scorched. Then working in sections I applied Elmer's Glue on the dirt and started adding in patches of grass.
And with that, he was glued into place and a project that was started around a year and a half ago was complete. I'm really pleased with the finish product and even surprised myself a few times. I honestly think that I couldn't have finished this one had I not done the Minotaur project. A few techniques I picked up on that one definitely helped me progress further on this one as well.
But wait! There's more! Thanks to the new rotating display unit I picked up I was able to make a 360 degree video if the entire thing. Mind, it's not the greatest video ever, and my camera doesn't shoot HD. But it will at least show off then entire thing in all it's three dimensional goodness! (while I was at it, I did ones for Silas and Do Not Pass Gandalf too and will be updating those posts shortly).