Once the two heroes were finished and with fire colors in hand I began the Fireflow Denizens. For fire, I use a technique I learned from Hot Lead. It's a long process and normally requires a lot of wet blending. But since I was working on whole lot of them at once and they are chibi miniatures, I had to simplify it a bit. I even skipped the last few steps completely, because I felt it wouldn't turn out right on them. Overall I'm
really pleased with them.
The Blaze Beetles required a bit more work. I painted the shell of them black and then using the technique Games Workshop suggested for painting Genestealer carapaces in an issue of White Dwarf. It
was a different way of painting black that I'd never tried before, but I liked that result. The visible body section was painted Ushabti Bone then washed with a mix of Ushabti Bone & Leviathan Purple wash. I'm super happy with them and the black shell really makes the flames pop.
That's it for now. Tonight I'm going to work on the Hounds if I can get to the painting table. Then I just need to paint the Spawning Point's base and crystal, Roxor and Rockgut. So hopefully the expansion ack will be finished soon. Then it's on to Von Drakk Manor!