It seems like a good time, and the deadline is usually a full month. Conversions and scenic bases are welcome too. So I figured, why not?
I knew I wanted him standing on a scenic base and I also wasn't going to do any conversions to him (Though I did cut off the rock his foot was on top of). I went through a bunch of planning drawings and nothing seemed to be good enough.
That's when I decided to just pop on a movie and play with cork. So, I took a spare wooden plaque I had laying around and just started stacking cork bits onto it. Eventually, I came up with this.

Once the cork was all super glued into place, it was time to cover it with clay. I use Crayola Air-Dry clay and it works pretty well. It does have a tendency to crack during the drying process, but it beats having to bake the entire piece.
After the clay dries, I follow up the cracks with more clay and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't and just cracks again. This time it did crack again, but after I had already used my spackling to rough up the texture. I'll need to try something else.