This week I managed to finally finish the Baal Predator, which means all single model units for the Blood Angels are done. Now it's back to infantry painting hell with a squad of Death Company that I've been starting and stopping for the entire project.
Let's check it out!
Baal Predator Finished!
Death Company
It's back to work on these fellas. I can't wait to finish them because it's been an on and off thing for the entirty of the commission. Something about them just puts me off and I can't put my finger on it. I thought that maybe it was the armor, but also it might be the details on them. I do know that I'm not a fan of the "muscle armor" that some of these Death Company models have. It's like they all have a hard on for Dracula's armor from Bram Stoker's Dracula. Overall, not a fan. But all that's left on these are the bases and backpacks. Then I have another group of 5 of them to do before returning to all red armor with some tacticals and terminators. Until next time, you can catch me on Twitter and Instagram. Check out YouTube for the Let's Paint series and other videos. If you like what I do and want to support the site and my painting endeavors, you can do so over on Ko-fi. All it takes is $3 and it's much appreciated. Thanks for reading! |