As it has been Christmas time, I didn't have a lot of time to do anything major this week. I did bring home a piece of terrain from the game shop and did a little refurb job on it. This is an old Manufactorium that I had assembled earlier in the year for the game shop.
Over the course of the year, I've decided that it needs to be based and the two sections need to be tied together.
Let's take a look at the last project of 2018.
I started out by picking out details on the terrain pieces itself. Originally I had them painted grey and silver and left them at that. They look a ton better now. For the details I used the same colors that I used on the Promethium Pipes, which were Balthazar Gold, Warplock Bronze and Screaming Bell. These were then washed with Nuln Oil to give them a bit of definition and shading. For the base I used a piece of foamboard and used my hobby knife to score tiles into it. I then took some old basing supplies and used it for rubble, along with a spare piece of flooring from the kit that I broke into sections. Once all the scenic bits were down, I covered the rubble areas with slate. This helped to tie the resin bits to the foamboard and give the impression of them being piles of debris. When it came time to paint it, I used a sponge and painted Leadbelcher all over it by dabbing and streaking it over the tiles and broken floor bits. The rubble was drybrushed with grey and white. I picked out the details of the rubble with some gold, silver and painted the space marine helments blue. This was then washed with Nuln Oil. Finally I painted the ground areas with some red craft paint and my mix of texture grit and Tuskgor Fur. The grit paint was painted around the perimeter and splotched around the ground. I also used it in the corners to make it look like its piled in thanks to the wind blowing around the ruin. I also splotched it on the walkways to help it look dirty, since I won't be using weathering pigments on this. Overall, I'm really happy with how it turned out and I can't wait to play games with it. It'll be nice to have a nicely defined ruin as well. I'm tempted to snag up the other pieces we have at the shop and give them a similar treatment. But, that's it for now. This piece is going back to the shop tonight. Until next time, you can catch me on Twitter and Instagram. Check out YouTube for the Let's Paint series and other videos. If you like what I do and want to support the site and my painting endeavors, you can do so over on Ko-fi. All it takes is $3 and it's much appreciated. Thanks for reading! |