The goal is to be able to start playing the game asap and get some practice with the system, so I came possibly get some games in at Adepticon in March. I still have plans to add some Felucia style plant life to the bases as well. But I'll add that in at a later date.
But for now, let's take a look at what was accomplished this week.
Count Dooku
Clone Captain Rex

Rex's model comes with 3 head options allowing you to give him a Phase 1 helmet, his iconic modified Phase 2 helmet or bare headed. From a modeling standpoint though, the rest of his body is so obviously is late Clone War armor that I had to use the 2nd option. As I've been treating this Legion project as if I were painting historical miniatures and adhering to cosplay guides and film examples, I couldn't let myself mix the styles.
Rex's armor is packed with painted details that kind of go unnoticed at first. For example, his helmet has the blue markings that are highly visible. But I never really paid much attention the the fact that it's made of a Phase 2 and Phase 1 helmet being cut apart and welded back together, or that the light blue and orange weld lines were still visible. Or that Rex marks his kills with hash marks on both sides of the helmet and all over his arms and legs as well.
Obviously I needed to recreate all of this and oh boy those hash marks were a challenge. I'm not really pleased with the ones on his helmet, but by the time I got to his arms I had it down for the most part. It could still be better and if I were doing a display version I would probably be repainting them. But for a game piece, they work pretty well. They do get kind of lost with the rest of the weathering though. The hash marks on his shins, for example, are all but invisible now due to the mud on his legs.

Obviously I needed to recreate all of this and oh boy those hash marks were a challenge. I'm not really pleased with the ones on his helmet, but by the time I got to his arms I had it down for the most part. It could still be better and if I were doing a display version I would probably be repainting them. But for a game piece, they work pretty well. They do get kind of lost with the rest of the weathering though. The hash marks on his shins, for example, are all but invisible now due to the mud on his legs.
BARC Speeder
This weekend, I was able to finally put the finishing touches on the BARC Speeder. This one took awhile to get around to, because I was having issues finding 501st color schemes. Luckily, thanks to an old toy listing, I found a scheme I liked and went to work on it. Unfortunately it didn't have a color scheme for the side car, so I left it plain white. For most of Legion, any weapon options seem to be given their own model. Not so on the BARC, you need to choose which weapon to use. To get around this, I decided to mangetize the gunner. His torso is magged at the waist to allow swapping between the two torsos. The gunner that fires the sidecar mounted weapons has magnets in the handles that he's holding as well as 3 magnets in each gun to mount them to his hands and the sidecar's front end. |
Dark Messiah, aka Anakin Skywalker
Since I'm painting the Republic army as 501st I really wanted to have Anakin Skywalker lead them, but he's not available yet. So my next best choice is to use Obi-Wan's rules and use an off brand model to represent Anakin.![]() His clothes are all very dark and over various types of material. His robe and clothing seem to be a type of wool, while his tunic is black leather. The variation and darkness of material proved to be a bit of a challenge getting the OSL to work properly. I'm not 100% sold on it, but it'll have to work for now, since he's just a placeholder until an official model releases. If one does come out, I'm hoping for a model without a robe and featuring his Jedi armor plating like Obi-Wan is wearing. |
Beholder Diorama
Thanks to my buddy, Greg, I was able to add some more realistic rubble to the Beholder diorama's terrain. He was kind enough to send me a couple packs of bricks, which I tossed into a Ziploc bag and smashed with a hammer to create broken down pieces of stone. I've added quite a bit to the base and it's looking really nice now. There's some spots I'd like to pile up a bit more, but I think it's very close to ready now. Soon I'll be able to primed it all and start laying down some undertones. This project is a slow burn and I'm taking my time on it. The paint phase it going to take a long time, since there's so much going on with it. The key is to make sure the arch where the girl is hiding glows with lantern light, which will require the rest of the piece to be relatively dark in tone, but not just painted in blacks and blues. That's it for now. There's a lot of things happening so far this year and I'll try my hardest to keep up the updates. Until next time, you can catch me on Twitter and Instagram. If you like what I do and want to support the site and my painting endeavors, you can do so over on Ko-fi. All it takes is $3 and it's much appreciated. Also, you can buy The Brush Wizard shirts and such over on my Teespring shop, where you'll find a growing selection of shirts and other goodies. Thanks for reading! |