Monday, May 7, 2018

Miniature Monday - Deadpool

There's been a lot of Monday posts lately that have been old models. Let's take a look at a newer one, and by newer I mean very, very new.

This week, we are taking a look at Deadpool from the Marvel Miniatures Game by Knight Models.

I'm really happy with this miniature, and it came out wonderfully.

I'd looked around at other folk's takes on this model and usually he was standing on an alley or on a broken wall. I thought to myself, that's been done quite a bit, I need to try some thing different.

Then I remembered that I had some 2" wooden discs laying around in my desk drawers, as well as some plasticard. I could take the plasticard and cut it out into the shape of the Deadpool emblem and glue it to the wooden disc! I could then cover the surrounding area with rubble and make it super comicbooky!

And that's precisely what I did.

After cutting Deadpool off of his tab I played around with placement on the base. I really liked having him off center and quickly found a layout that was perfect for him. A few holes drilled and pins later and Deadpool was mounted to the base.

I have some slate from an old Citadel Warhammer 40k basing bit and I built up layers of it around him. A few layers of it and it looked really good!

With that all set, it was time for priming and paint.

The black sections of his suit were painted with Vallejo Black, Citadel Dark Reaper, Vallejo Neutral Grey and Nuln Oil. I worked up the highlights to Neutral Grey and didn't want to push them all the way to white, because I didn't want it to accidentally look like NMM. Plus it started to look too grey and I needed it to read as being black as much as possible.

All of the red on him was painted with Rhinox Hide as a base coat and then worked up to red with Mephiston Red and Wild Rider Red. I wanted a nice bright comic book red, and I think I pulled it off nicely.

The brown leather was all painted with Mournfang Brown, some washes of Agrax and another layer of Mournfang, then XV-88 (I think) and some Ushabti Bone for highlights.

I knew that the the rubble around him needed to be something other than basic grey. To solve that I mixed some Warboss Green in with Neutral Grey and made a nice green-grey and drybrushed it on. I highlighted it by mixing in more grey and then white and then washed it with Biel-tan Green wash before drybrushing it some more.

I finished off the base with some Mephiston Red on the red sections, which was dirtied up a bit with Agrax Earthshade and then painted with more Mephiston Red. It was then highlighted with edge highlights of Wild Rider Red.

Black sections were painted with Vallejo Black and the white eye was painted with Neutral Grey, then a mix of grey and white, a nuln oil wash and then a white edge highlight to finish it off.

I'm really pleased with how he came out, and I recorded the entire process. Expect a Let's Paint series on him in June.

Until next time, you can catch everything I'm working on over on Twitter and Instagram. Also, check out my videos on YouTube.

Thanks for reading!