Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Golden Kobold 2!

Hey everyone, the Golden Kobold is returning to GenCon! Last year's competition was an astounding success and we had many more entries than we expected. There were a few hiccups and lessons learned, but they served to make things better.

I'll be returning to GenCon this year and helping to judge entrants once again. I'll be at the Ninja Division booth most of the weekend, accepting entries, talking hobby and painting chibis! It should be a good time!

The rules have been updated for the new year and you can find them here: https://ninjadivision.com/info/golden-kobold-2018-rules

The categories have been trimmed up a little bit as well. Last year we found we had too many categories and it spread the entries around quite a bit. The categories for 2018's Golden Kobold competition are:

Single Miniature - Small Entry must be a single figure, where all elements are based no larger than 40mm diameter, and up to 4" tall including any decorative basing or plinth display.
Single Miniature - Large Entry may be any single model entry where the size of the entire model and its display are larger than 40mm in diameter and smaller than 100mm, And no taller than 8”.
Judges Category  Care to try your skills against the very best? The Golden Kobold Judges, and special painter entrants will be battling for Golden Kobold glory in this exclusive category.  
Diorama Category Entry may be any scene or diorama featuring one or more models of any size.  They display may not exceed a dimension of 8" x 8" x 10" in height.
Juniors Category Any single or large miniature. Entrants ages 12 and under may elect to enter this category.
The top three entries in each category will receive a Gold, Silver or Bronze Kobold trophy. Also best of show will also take home the coveted Soda Sword! 
See you in 28 days!