Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wizardry in Progress 10/10/18

Hey all, it was a light week over here, as I mostly only painted the Terminator Captain on Monday. But he's nearly finished now, with just his head and a few details left to go. He should be finished tonight!

Let's take a look.

Having finished the armor last week, it was time to move on to the leathery bits.

The official artwork calls for black leather strips for the loincloth and a black cloak. I felt that the model needed a bit more color decided to mix a bit of Stegadon Scale Green to the black to give it a bit of a bluish tint.

I painted the loincloth and the cloak that way and it really helps the armor pop nicely.

After the loincloth and cloak were painted, I started on the gold. The gold was painted with Rhinox Hide, Retributor Armor, Druchii Violet and Stormhost Silver, in the same manor as my other high contrast true metallics.

Once the gold was done it was time for gem painting! I painted these in the old style using a high contrast technique to make the gem look like it was shining.

The gems were painted with Rhinox Hide, Khorne Red, Evil Sunz Scarlet and Wild Rider Red, and then washed with Carroburg Crimson. Once he is all varnished, I'll be going over the gems with gloss to make them pop even more, while also making the color deeper.

The last thing I did for him was finish off the hammer with a power weapon effect and added some Lit to the edge to make it glowy.

It looks ok, but not as cool as the librarian. It'll be ok though.

That's pretty much it for now. This fella is the start of a new version of Lets Paint, where I break down sections of the model into little tutorials and show how it's done, followed by speed up video of the process. The aim to being, hopefully, improve the series and help people learn how I do things.

Until next time, you can catch me on Twitter and Instagram. Check out YouTube for the latest in the Let's Paint series. Plus if you like what I do and want to support the site and my painting endeavors, you can do so over on Patreon, where you can get access to new Let's Paint series before anyone else for only $1.

Thanks for reading!