It's another busy week as the lead up to U-Con continues!
This week I knocked out the Redemptor Dreadnought, started on the Sector Mechanicus terrain and did some more on my buddy Mark's Death Company.
Let's take a look!
Sector Mechanicus and Pipes
This week I got a good start on the terrain I need for U-Con. I wanted to do this as simple as possible, without going overboard in detail work.
To that end I primed the walkways with silver spray paint and the uprights black with a Leadbelcher drybrushing. From there I picked out some piping with Screaming Bell copper and Balthazar Gold to give the pieces a little bit of interest.
These pieces were all washed with Nuln Oil and then left to dry.
Last night I started on the pipes. These followed the same routine and were spray painted silver. I sprayed some elements with Balthazar Gold and any piping with Screaming Bell. On these I added some Warplock Bronze to a few places to give them some more visual style as well before washing them with Nuln Oil.
All of these pieces will be drybrushed with a light silver soon and then weathered with rust/corrosion effects.
I can't wait to see how they turn out!
Death Company
These bad men have been sitting at my desk for way too long.
Monday night I started on them again and was able to get some solid progress done on them.
Originally I had the goal of getting them finished on Sunday after the Redemptor, but he took a lot longer than I expected.
I still have some details left to do on them and their jump packs, but I ran out of black primer. So they'll need to wait until after the weekend. |  |
Redemptor Dreadnought
The first dreadnought for the Deathwatch is finished!
He was finished on Sunday after a marathon painting session. I'm really pleased with how he turned out and love the color of the armor plates.
The plasma cannon is painted green, rather than the usual blue for a couple of reasons. First, I used Lit on it and it glows green. Second, there's a lot of blue tones on the model as it is, and the green goes nicely with the Martian style base.
Speaking of the Mars base, I am so glad I'm doing the Deathwatch on them. This fella looks awesome on it. |  |
New Game Mat
Lastly, I received my first ever game mat in the mail from Frontline Gaming!
This thing is so awesome.
It's a Mars themed 6 foot by 4 foot gaming mat, and it's all neoprene. It even came with its own carrying case, which is great.
I'll probably have a write up about it after U-Con.
That's it for now though.
16 days til U-Con, and much to do.
Until next time, you can catch me on Twitter and Instagram. Check out YouTube for the latest in the Let's Paint series. Plus if you like what I do and want to support the site and my painting endeavors, you can do so over on Patreon, where you can get access to new Let's Paint series before anyone else for only $1.
Thanks for reading! |  |