Monday, November 26, 2018

Let's Paint - Blood Angels Terminator Captain: Part One

Hey everybody, it's time for the new version of Let's Paint!

In these new episodes I now go over what I am doing and demonstrating it so you can follow along, rather than just being a straight time lapse of painting a miniature. The video is no longer a straight start to finish paint job. Now parts of the miniature will be pre-painted off camera and used as examples.

I feel like this version is the version that this YouTube series was always meant to be, and I can say that I am really pleased and proud with these new videos.

In this video, we get started on the Terminator Captain by painting his red armor.


If you enjoy these videos, please toss it a like and subscribe on YouTube. Also if you're a fan of what I do and want to support my artwork, you can join my Patreon where you'll get access to each new series in their entirety, the week that the first episode airs. Go over there now to subscribe and you'll be able to see the entire series for Takata right now for $1.