It's time for your weekly update of hobby progress! This week I mostly did work on a Baal Predator and finished the Mars rover while also gathering some new toys.
Let's check it out!
Cybernetica Datasmith
On Wednesday I am playing a 500 point game against by friend Daryl and his new Dark Eldar.
In it I had decided to run a pair of Datasmiths as Dominus bodyguards.
Luckily thanks to the multitude of Kastelan Robot kits I own, I was able to toss a second one together.
I primed him as well, but he won't likely get painted for awhile.
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Fantasy Admech Scenery
I've decided that my atheistic for futre terrain will be fantasy style buildings covered in pipes, hoses and smokestacks.
With that in mind, I found this tower and will eventually be Admeching it up. But I need to gather many more pieces.
These will be a long term project and they should be a good time. |  |
Mars Rover
Wednesday night I finished off the Mars rover for Terraforming Mars and the Thanksgiving game we were planning to play.
I dusted it up with some weathering pigments and then sealed it again with dullcote to try and keep the dust as contained as possible.
This fella was a big hit during the game, which is great. I wish I had the time to put tire tracks in the dirt, but since it was just a fun quick piece I think its fine as is. |  |
Baal Predator
Last week I primed the Baal Predator and now I've gotten some solid progress on it. As of Monday night I had the front, top and right side all finished. I still need to do the column sections on it and the gun housing, but I'm liking where this is heading!
I've gotten a lot of compliments about the fade on the armor plating so far. I will be recording how to paint this red for Let's Paint once the main body is done. I'll likely be using the turret for the example piece... but I haven't really decided that yet.
That's it for now. There's a lot of work left to go on this one and I keep wearing paint on the corners of the light shrouds. I need to keep powering through it though, I'll do touch ups when its finished. Plus I'll be weathering it with sponges too. So a little worn paint isn't going to be a huge deal.
Until next time, you can catch me on Twitter and Instagram. Check out YouTube for the latest in the Let's Paint series.
If you like what I do and want to support the site and my painting endeavors, you can do so over on Patreon, all it takes is $1.
Thanks for reading! | 