Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Wizardry in Progress 5/2/18

It's time for Wizardry in Progress. This week, I finished Deadpool and got started on the next piece for the Blood Angels commission, a Death Company Dreadnaught.

I love how Deadpool turned out, and I am pretty pleased with the Dread so far, though I wasn't really feeling it when I first started him.

Let's check it out!

Death Company Dreadnaught
Monday night I started painting the Death Company Dreadnaught, which is part of the Blood Angels commission I am working on.

I had a lot of trouble keeping focused on Monday though, and ended up cutting paint time short. I wasn't really feeling it at all.

Tuesday night I started back up on it and got into the groove.

The upper body and legs were all finished on Tuesday and now all thats left is the arms and the base.

Unfortunately, the pot of Astrogranite I had was dried out. So I need to get another pot of it.

I was planning to go to the game shop tonight and get another pot. But a spring time cold has me not wanting to do much of anything.

So I'll paint up the arms and then get the basing paint this weekend instead.

Deadpool is all finished! This was a fun project to do and relatively quick as well.

I recorded the entire process of painting him, for Let's Paint, and when I checked the recorded footage it surprised me that it only totaled up to slightly over 3 hours worth of video. That's ridiculous!

I've had folks comment that I paint quickly. If you compare this to the 4 hour challenge I did a few years ago, its a huge jump in quality.

I've always said that I can't really tell how long I'm working on something, and I generally never keep time on a project. But, I could have sworn that I had worked on him for at least 5 or 6 hours.

I am super proud of him, especially the handcrafted base.

I'll have a full write up on him next week Monday, so stay tune for that. . 

That's it for now though. If you're interest to see what I'm working on during the week, you can find me on Twitter and Instagram for progress as it happens.

Thanks for reading!