Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Wizardry in Progress 5/15/19

It's been a busy week around here! It feels like I didn't do a lot this week, but in actuality I did!

This week I painted the last Chimera, the Veteran squad's Platoon Commander and started on a Valkyrie. I also went to a pottery shop and we painted ceramics, where I painted up a cute little panda bear.

Let's take a look.

Green Squad Chimera

Wednesday night I didn't make it out to the game shop, so I took the opportunity to get the last of my Chimera painted up.

This one is for green squad and has all of the stripes are markings painted with Warpstone Glow. Having all three of the chimera and squad marked with different colors will help me keep them separate, especially if two squads get stuck into the same melee.

The different markings on the vehicles will help me remember which vehicle has acted in each phase. Rather than looking at just the similar looking paint jobs.

This being done means that all of my land transports are now finished. Just some planes to do for Vets and I'll be riding in style!

Veteran Platoon Commander

Last week I mentioned that I had built a Platoon Commander out of spare parts.

Well this week I took an hour and painted him up!

I'm loving how fast these dudes paint up, and the more of them I do the faster it seems to go. Of course it helps that this guy is literally 3 colors and some accents too.

I have to build one more Platoon Commander. But I'm going to hold off on that until I get some more spare parts. I like having my characters look unique.

Ceramic Panda

Not technically a miniature, but hobby related none the less.

On Friday night we went out to the local ceramic shop and did some ceramic painting with glazes. This is only the second time I've done it and it is really fun.

I picked out this bear and wasn't sure what I wanted to do with it. But after staring at it for a bit I decided to go with a panda, because yes.

It's painted with a berry color and a Caribbean blue, with some brown for the nose, paws and some shadows.

I'm really interested to see how it comes out after it's been fired. I'll share it next week!


The biggest project of the week. On Sunday I picked up the Valkyrie that I had ordered from my FLGS and got to building it that night.

The plan is to have a Veteran squad and their commander in it and fly them into enemy territory to hit back field objectives and harass units with shotguns and meltas.

Since I don't have any crew members that look like Steel Legion, I decided to try something new and paint the canopy glass with a color flip paint.

The FLGS has some Turbo Dork paints on hand of a bunch of different colors. I decided to use their 3D Glasses color for the glass to give it a bit of a polarized glass look.

I absolutely love how it's come out and will be doing more tests with this stuff. Expect a write up and review soon.

The Valkyrie isn't finished yet. I still need to do more details on it, some nose art and weathering of the underbelly and landing gear.

I have big plans for it. But I'm taking my time on it. I am really excited to work on the nose art too.

That's probably a project for next this Sunday.

Until next time, you can catch me on Twitter and Instagram. Check out YouTube for the Let's Paint series and other videos.

If you like what I do and want to support the site and my painting endeavors, you can do so over on Ko-fi. All it takes is $3 and it's much appreciated. Also, you can buy The Brush Wizard shirts and such over on my Teespring shop, where you'll find a growing selection of shirts and other goodies.

Thanks for reading!