Monday, October 15, 2012

WIP SDE Dragons and Quick Update on the Swamp Base.

Finally got some more progress done of the SDE dragons. I've been working on doing their spines and claws and decided to go with a bone color for them. Tonight I did the base coat on all but Starfire and tomorrow I'll prolly start working up to the bone white color of them. Once that's done, all that'll be left is to paint the bases and we'll be good to move on to the Kobolds! woot!

Whelp, Wyrmling and Hatchlings.

Next up, I went to Home Depot today to look at paint colors for another project of mine (non-minature based) and slid by the broom section and picked up this:

What's this? A hand broom? Why does he need that for minis?
I've been needing a good material to use as reeds coming up from the swamp for the Silas figure. While I was at work on Saturday I happened to walk by the broom in the shop and did a double take on it. I went back to it and started looking at the bristles on it and my brother jokingly asked me if I was planning to make miniature brooms. I then told him what I was planning and he agreed right away. So now, this is where the swamp base is so far.

Broom bristles = Instant reeds.
I plan on doing a few more patches of reeds and should be able to start placing grass on the ground section of the base soon. Also, I found a good deal on some Envirotex acrylic varnish to use for the water. Once that's done, I'll try my hand at modeling a lily pad for the water's surface.