Since the last post, I've gotten more done on the WAAC Ironclad. The greens are all finished and the details are starting!
After the basecoat of Caliban Green and the Warpstone Glow coats were down, it was time to start on the edge highlights using Moot Green. But first, I decided that I needed to return shadows to some areas of the model with Caliban Green.
Using Caliban Green, thinned down considerably, I washed the surfaces of any shaded area or vertical surface. The thinned paint helped give it an gradation of color to the bright green surfaces and a better illusion of light/shadow. This is especially noticeable on the rounded surface of the Chainsaw attachment's arm. Once the washes were finished, I started edge highlighting the hard points of the armor and any area where it made sense. It was a bit tedious, but nothing will ever bee as bad as The Keeper's base.
With the green finished, it was time to move on to the details.
As of last night, I've gotten most of the detail work done and had started on battle damage. The damage was
done by painting areas of the model black and then covering it with some old GW Boltgun Metal. This will then be covered again with some green and white to simulate wear marks, before finally getting some light silver added on top.The end is near! Just a few more details to do and this project can get shipped off to the fine folks in the UK. I'm thinking he may even be completed tonight.